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Novel Twist on Web Design Portfolio Pages

If you can get past the all-Flash web site, New City Media has a novel take on the tired traditional Flash portfolio approach
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Book Review: Beginning CSS Web Development

If you're a novice (or know somebody who is) looking to take your knowledge to the next level then this is a highly recommend book
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The Road to the Semantic Web

Read/Write Web on the ingredients, definitions and approaches to the Semantic Web
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Design Worthy: forfromfearless.com

Chris Murphy launches his blog farfromfearless.com. Great design, worth checking out!
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Why designers have an attitude

If attitude alone doesn't work anymore, why do many designers still act so cocky? Aren't designers supposed to be a sort of avant-garde, thus be ahead of time?
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The Form Garden

CSS Zen garden, but for forms. Download the template and submit your own.
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Introducing CSS3.info

Everything you should know about CSS3
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Great Fonts for Web 2.0

Fonts are an essential part of design - but there are thousands of fonts out there
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The Top 10 Lies of Web 2.0

San Francisco Chronicle examen's two lies of Web 2.0 in preparation for the Web 2.0 conference
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Is left-hand navigation evil?

The issue is not with the design of the left-hand navigation, but how it's used

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